About Me

Hello all,

I am Kaylee and this blog is stories, thoughts, and sarcasm from a bariatric patient. I have recently had a revision sleeve from the lap band to the gastric sleeve in November 20, 2013.

A little background info on myself. I was 18 when I had my first bariatric surgery the lap band. I only lost fifty pounds, and over the pass five years I gained all that back and some, then had complications with the band as well. With a huge amount of courage I went back Sparrow Weight Management and decided to do something. That something was to have a revision to get the lap band out and have the sleeve. It was a hard process to do but I did it and I am documenting my story here. This has to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life so far, I am a food addict plain and simple.

My hero to this day is my grandfather. I talk about him in this blog a lot. One reason why is because I love him to pieces but also seeing what he went through as an obese man has changed my adult life to strive to live longer than he did. I know he would be super proud of me for taking this huge step, and I keep that thought a live with me every time I face obstacles.

That being said this sleeve is a tool, and I hope that my story can be an inspiration to others to become healthy but in their own ways.



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