3 Days…It’s been a year!

Eat like you love yourself

Move like you love yourself

Speak like you love yourself

Act like you love yourself

This time last year, I was a nervous wreck at work and at home getting myself physically and mentally ready for a major life changing procedure. I questioned myself so many times, is this worth it? Well, now being only three days from being a year out, I can answer that question and say it was. I knew this journey wasn’t going to be all happy times and sunshine with unicorns. It has been hard, and I am still on it. This blog has helped me so much with keeping me on track and accountable and also served a higher propose with helping me express myself on how I am feeling without seeing a doctor or sit through a boring group support session.

I eat now like I love myself. When I started this journey I wrote down every calorie intake and freaked out because I couldn’t get to 1,000 calories. I became extremely stressed over the summer and beginning of fall. I did take a break from it, and allow some habits come back but quickly noticed them creep back took care of them. I eat a whole of a lot healthier than I did a year ago, but I have allowed myself to enjoy food again but make sure it is in quantities that isn’t abusing the tool. I still measure out my food at times, and most of the time I am pretty good at guessing at how much I can really eat. I can eat a little over a cup of food now, but there are days to which I still only get a half cup of food in. I am back to cooking more and love it. My imagination in the kitchen is amazing! I am in a new relationship with food that I love. I do not eat because I am depressed or stress, I eat to live and to take care of my body. I have broke down a couple times and stress ate but I can tell you first hand I hated it and ended up tossing out whatever triggers I bought to make sure they are not in the house.

I move like I love myself. I am sticking with the whole gym and exercising! Shocking, I know. I love Planet Fitness, and the fact that I can walk for 60 minutes at 3.5 speed and feel the burn. I take breaks from the gym, to which I still don’t lose my focus. I bought fancy shoes to make myself more comfortable and force myself to wear them and work out. The lazy Kaylee, still is in me and is always yearning to just stay home, but the new found energy Kaylee is dying to move and do stuff. I just like moving now, and getting out of the house.

I can honestly say that I speak of myself like I actually love myself. I am so beyond words proud that I have reached so many obstacles and fought through them. I love myself, and I let the world know. I am an awesome individual. And most importantly I love myself through my actions and just overall.

Now after that introduction…here has been the past four months for me:

I have started dating this most awesome guy. He puts a smile on my face every time I am with him and even when I think and speak of him. We started this adventure close to four months ago, and I can honestly say out of all the guys I have dated this guy gets me inside and out. I have a huge support system with friends and family, and he brings a support that I haven’t had in a significant other. He gets my constant nerdiness of musicals, horror flicks, and Disney movies. Reminds me that I am pretty or beautiful all the time. We laugh all the time, and we are huge dorks. Also, he lets me go on my rants and listens most of the time. He is everything I have always wanted in a partner. Little funny that his birthday is only days before mine. I can’t wait to see what more this adventure takes us on, right now I am just blessed to have him and the smile he puts on my face.

So, other than the new man rant. I am down 16 pounds since my last post! Halloween has passed and it was amazing. I was a gypsy, and my costume was pretty awesome. First Halloween that I have felt pretty sexy and looked sexy. I am in a new size that I can say I can’t even remember being in. I am a size 12/14! I am now the average American woman. Still, obese by my BMI which has gone down from a 62.2 to a 36.6. That is 25.6 scores down. I also went from a size 28, and that’s 14 pant sizes down from what I was originally. I still have my “fat” clothes, in bins that is around my apartment. I need to get rid of them, I have blogged about getting rid of them now for a while. I think either after my year appointment or this weekend I will finally say goodbye to the said “fat” clothes.

Well, thats all for right now! Just wanted to do a quick update.

