Back Up!

Never quit. 

If you stumble get back up.

What happen yesterday, NO longer matters.

Today is another day. 

So, get back on track and move closer to your dreams and goals. 

You can do it! 

Just 3 pounds…just 3 pounds. So close I can see it! I am just 3 pounds away from being at my first goal of 250!

Thumbs Up

My last post I talked about refocusing. I want to touch on the emotional test I have been faced with. I am beyond amazed by my progress I have made, it moves me to tears to see what I look like now compared to last year. I have lost a total of 144 pounds, not too many people can say they have lost a person. Lately the whole emotional/depression has fallen upon me, I have been warned about this by my doctor at Sparrow Weight Management. I still feel like the fat girl in the room,  which makes my self-esteem go down a little. I feel weird and awkward when guys look at me because of that feeling I am the super obese woman still and they are just pointing it out and not hitting on me because they think I have some low self-esteem issues. Also I love food, I am addicted to food like an alcoholic is addicted to alcohol. I miss eating a lot of food, and whatever I want to eat. With those both combined it has sent me into my own head of giving up. This is it, I am going to be who I am at this weight for the rest of my life. I picked up the old habit of eating when I am bored and fed into my cravings yet again. I continued to loose weight but at a slower speed. The scale became the enemy again. But sometime during Labor Day weekend something kicked my ass in gear. I personally think my grandpa came down and whispered “Get your ass back in gear baby girl, don’t be like me.” I know it sounds crazy but it felt like it. I think a lot about my grandfather. So, it clicked and I started back to journal my food and this week signed up for Planet Fitness and last night was my first night. I can say it was an awesome time. Going again tonight. I don’t feel judged at all like I used to in other gyms.

Just got done walking 45 minutes on the treadmill at speed 3.3. Walked a total of 2.5 miles.

Just got done walking 45 minutes on the treadmill at speed 3.3. Walked a total of 2.5 miles.

Now on to some adventures that this end of the summer has took me on. As summer was coming down to a close, I had to take some last minute summer trips. Labor Day was already planned by going to the annual place we go to every year my aunt and uncles cabin at Horse Head Lake. But a few days beforehand going up my family took another trip to Ludington to spend the night to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to head to Manistee to get on a charter to go out on the big lake Salmon fishing. It was a blast. I have been before a few times with my dad on those “daddy daughter trips” and always had a blast. This time it was all of us out on the lake. We only caught three fish but the memories will last a life time. Then that Friday we went up to my Aunt and Uncles cabin. I had a blast like usual, but this year it was a little more special. I done things I couldn’t do last year like kayaking on the lake. The first night my sisters and my cousin Anna went out on the lake for girl time. It was a lot of fun. Instead of drinking, I was outside for most of the time, which is new for me. I love being outdoors now. But no Charles family trip is complete without an accident happening. This happened right before we went up to the cabin. We opened the camper to find a little field mouse family has taken over. It derailed us a little but we fixed and cleaned it up. Many arguments and laughter came about like all Charles family accidents. Also to note I went camping again this year. I had to make use of my tent, it was fun. Cooked over the fire and fished.

Girls trip with my best friend Krystal!

Girls trip with my best friend Krystal!


I finally had a girls weekend with my best friend this pass weekend, luckily it came just in time as well. Sadly my heart aches a little for her because of what she is going through the motions of becoming single after being with a guy who was with her for over two years. Best friend duty called, more like knocking down the door. Granted I was there on the phone the day it happened and also the day after to wipe tears away and go take her mind off of the messy situation. So, girls trip 2014 was to Holly MI, to the Renaissance Festival. At last minute we dressed up as hippies/gypsy’s (we owned that look). We arrived at the festival at 1pm and didn’t leave till it was time to leave. It was perfect weather to be outside, not to hot or not to cold. We walked all over watching shows and browsing the shops and booths. Also trying some delicious food as well. Both of us were battling allergies and sinus issues but still didn’t stop us from having a blast! Many pictures taken, many laughs shared, and also mental logging of booths and shops to stop at next year to buy stuff. One shop that was a blast was this costume shop. They sold mostly corsets. The lady who greeted us and talked with us was a doll. Krystal and I both shared stories of our weight loss goals and also journey’s. She shared with us about her journey, to my surprise she was as well a WLS patient. She opted to have the gastric bypass ten years ago, and lost over 140 pounds and kept it all off. I was in awe over her, and how well she is doing. I am honored to share part of her story. While Krystal and I were in there, we opted to get fitted for corsets, which was right up our alley. I was shocked when I was fitted for mine. I am a size 38 waist! I went from a 50 to a 38! I wished I had $175 with me so I could buy it there on the spot but that’s what next year is for. After the festival we went back and had girls night out at the bar! This white girl got her groove on all night long.

Such a pretty corset and a size 38!

Such a pretty corset and a size 38!

Let me tell you about my best friend.

Let me tell you about my best friend.

Words cannot express how grateful to have such an awesome best friend (soul sister)! Krystal has been such an amazing support system, and along with my journey I have helped her to start her own journey as well. And that makes me speechless. Krystal amazes me with her strength not to strangle to kill her ex (I am just kidding) but she does amaze me with her strength to keep going when the times get rough. Also how this friendship has continued throughout the years, we have seen each other go through trying times and still have that listening ear for when each other needs it. I can only return the favor for her being an amazing best friend.



                                                 So first goal, almost there!

After that is met just 50 more to go till I reach my ultimate goal of 200 pounds!

Just 2 months to go till I am a year out of surgery as well. My minor goal is to be in the 230’s by the time!

I got this!

Till next time! 

