Darling, you are fabulous!

It has been six months since surgery and I am down to 291.

Not a whole lot of a difference since my last post but at least the scale is moving. 

Today was my sixth month follow up with Sparrow Weight Management. I was excited to learn that I am 24 pounds down since I last seen them, which means I was 315 when I seen them last. The appointment was a bit exhausting cause I didn’t loose enough to please the doctor still. What I can tell you is that I have been working my butt (ass) off to get that scale moving. During the appointment we discovered that still my issue is that I am not getting enough calories in again. Which my range is 500-800 calories. Right now I am sitting at 734 calories for the day and that is including my dinner that I have planned for tomorrow. Another thing he believes is that I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and so does my PCP and my mother. They all believe this because Aunt Flow has been visiting me more frequent than what I would like. I know the birth control I am on causes irregular bleeding but not a full blown out period every other week, which has changed to every other day. I was put back on a progesterone pill to at least help stop my period…you know what my body did it said a big “F-you” and kept my period a flowing. I am just stressed. I am doing good with not stress eating. I just want to be back on a regular flow. I broke down crying on my way from the appointment to my work. I am trying my best to get this weight off, I have gave up so much and yet it’s still not enough for the doctor at Sparrow Weight Management. I feel defeated again. There are times I feel like my body hates me and is just giving me more and more road blocks in my path of getting healthy. Well with all this frustration I tried to get into a new OB but they do not have openings until July. So back to McLaren I go to discuss one switching my birth control and two get a detailed look in with the possibility of having PCOS. But I will tell you I am going to switch OB’s after doing this. I was put on a new goal because the doctor at Sparrow Weight Management doesn’t feel comfortable with waiting a year to see me so he is going see me in three months. So the new goal is to be down between 275-260. I really hope I can do it. I am so focused.

Other than feeling disappointed, I have been sticking with the game of exercising. I exercise about 5 days a week going in between walking, swimming, and doing what is called the “Boot Camp Challenge” which is an app on my phone. The doctor at Sparrow Weight Management was very happy to hear that I am exercising at least for 40 minutes a day. I don’t try to over do it but at least I am getting the exercise in. Which, I made my apartment into my own personal gym. Also I have cut out eating out, to like “once in a great while”. Which makes forces me to cook every night, which I do not mind cooking at all it helps relieve some stress that I have going on at work. Better to focus on something rather than to stress eat. I will say that sweets have been giving me a hard time, if I cut it out completely then I binge on them within a few days. If I treat myself to a tiny bit of sweets then I don’t crave that. Man, its hard to find balance at times. It’s hard to go out to my parents still, they are doing SO much better with picking healthy foods and having them at the house but they need to find new hiding spots for the not so healthy foods…come on guys…I lived there for most of my life and still the candy and chips are always in the same spot. I love going out there but I know if I stay out there too long I will be snacking on those things. Also it’s so hard for family dinners as well all because there is SO much food! I don’t over eat, just graze which is bad. I am getting better with stopping the grazing.

Well all I gotta say is there are better days a head of me.

I can’t let this day get to me.

Like the title of this post goes,

Darling, you are fabulous! 



One thought on “Darling, you are fabulous!

  1. You ARE fabulous! Good for you for journaling, recognizing and not turning to stress eating. It’s unfortunate that your body seems to be fighting against you; I hope you are able to figure out your health issues so that you can continue to enjoy your healthy journey! You are doing such an amazing job – keep it up!! I hope you have a successful three months and knock the socks off of your doctor!

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