The best is yet to come!

I finally hit the 100 mark! 

This day came about when I stepped on the scale Saturday morning, and it magically said 298.2!IMG_2041

Woah! Friday morning I started off at 301.8, that’s a 3.6 weight difference!

I cannot believe I finally broke the stall from hell!

I officially reached the 100 pound mark on Sunday morning when I stepped on the scale and it said 297.2

Wow! 100 pounds in 5 1/2 months. I am so shocked and relieved that I finally hit this milestone! With this milestone I feel more motivated to keep going now. I am only 47 pounds away from my goal of 250. Also my BMI when I started was at 62.7 now it is a cool 47.7! Huge difference!! I am so beyond proud of myself for making this decision in my life to get healthy. This stall breaking gave me even more motivation to keep going since lately my motivation has been dwindling slowly from not loosing.

So, I belong on a website called Bariatric Pal. I believe I have mentioned it before but anyways I turn to this website as my support group since I opt out from attending support groups. I absolutely love reading the forums and seeing others on their journey. Also give me answers to certain questions I have that maybe veteran sleevers will be able to help me with. In all of my excitement of reach my milestone I read a forum about a woman ranting about “perfect” people. This person’s rant was basically she was tired of reading about perfect WLS stories and that she uses her tool just to eat smaller amounts, and has never changed her habits or diet. This woman has lost 100 pounds like me. I am equally excited for her as frustrated. My frustration is mostly on is why would you get this surgery and not change your habits? I know I am way far from being that “perfect” person. But what I do is make sure I drink well over 64oz of water, measure some of my food, get my 70 grams of protein, and log my food. There are days where I struggle to log my food, and measure my food. I know on those struggle days I tend to eat like crap. I will admit to anybody that I have drank alcohol, ate candy, eat a slice of pizza, engaged in eating ice cream (soft serve yogurt btw but only with PB2 powder in it), drink some chocolate milk, and ate some high fat foods. Do I make this a habit, no I do not. I think it is okay to indulge in those things once and in awhile as long as you are truthful to yourself. I know if I didn’t change my habits I wouldn’t have never lost the 100 pounds. I am not envious of her but I am concerned for her that one day she will reach like all weight loss patients that point where her body is done loosing and she will gain from her choices she made. Being aware of this motivates me even more to try my best to be a little stricter with my choices but still treat myself once and awhile.

Anyways, I am trying to think of something fun to do to celebrate 100 pound milestone. I am thinking this, finally go and get rid of my “fat” clothes and once that is gone from my closet and life get re sized for a new pair of jeans.  I am just curious if I went down a size again.

Also I will add Easter was a blast! I did indulge myself in some candy from my grandmas famous candy tray she brings out. At the end of the day I went home smiling knowing that I am finally under 300! What an accomplishment! I haven’t been under 300 since my sophomore year in high school! Just thinking of it brings tears to my eyes.


Just keep smiling!

That’s all!



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