It’s That Time…

As I sip on my Chai tea and listen to Adele’s “Love Song” its about that time to update my blog…


All Smiles!!

Vodka and Cranberry

Vodka and cranberry shot!

 Well I am the big 24 now as of Feb. 10th! My birthday was both boring and interesting. It first started off on the weekend before with my sister coming down so that we can both celebrate both of our birthdays. My mom and dad took us to the Ukai in Lansing. It was a blast! It was my first time having Asian food since my surgery, and I will say GOD I HAVE MISSED IT!! Also it was my first time hit me having alcohol since surgery as well. The dinner was fabulous like usual and the vodka and cranberry shot they gave me was pretty tasty, but after my tummy hurt because it was SO rich and also the vodka fast! For my actual birthday my work got me a nice card and also birthday treats that was shared with the whole office, I was good and ate my grapes and cottage cheese. Later at lunch I went and visited with my mom and had lunch. When I got back I had on my desk a beautiful orchid, this is the first time EVER I have received flowers at work. They were from my mom and dad, and world be surprised I haven’t killed them yet! As the day went on, I decided to skip class and live it up a little and get my hair done. It was my “Happy Birthday” to myself. I dyed my hair red again. I love the color a lot! 


My orchid my mom and dad got me!

This month has been the most stressful month so far! I have had my patience tested and also my faith a little. But I have an amazing support system to help me get over it and not turn to food to solve my issues! But I will say I am happy that the period of death over. That is a celebration in its self!


My After and Before picture

Well I will announce that I am a whole 4 sizes smaller!! I am in a size 22/24 in pants & shirts! Also I went down 4 sizes in my bust as well which is a shocker for me! I went on a little shopping spree and it felt amazing! I spent enough money buying new pants and some shirts but it felt amazing to go be shopping in a size I haven’t worn in 5 years or more. I have already started a donation bin of clothes I cannot fit anymore, my dress slacks for work have officially gotten big on me that they fall off of me!! Lately I have been feeling the love from my family and friends, and I love it. It makes me feel amazing when I hear that I am making them proud of the hard work I am doing. Also it makes me proud to help inspire somebody to create their own journey. I hope I don’t hurt anybody’s feelings when I say “ITS HARD WORK” because it is! I don’t ever sugar coat shit for anybody and I hope they understand that.

Well it has been six week and I am down a total of 15 pounds since the last surgeon visit. I am a little bummed but that is okay I will take the 15 pounds lost as a good thing. They are proud of me, and I wont see them until my year visit in November. They want me to loose 90 pounds by then and that will put me at 225 pounds and a total of 172 pounds lost. It is doable and its gonna happen. If I lost that 172 pounds that would be me loosing a person! How exciting! The journey will be rough but I am ready for it. There are a few things I do need to work on like getting my calorie intake over 1,00 and getting more carbs in. Since the carbs that I am intaking are enough. But at least I am getting way over 70 grams of protein in and also my 64oz of water in as well. I am focused, so I know I am gonna kick ass at this!

Well thats all for today!



Quickest update!

photo 1Quickest update!

So I am feeling pretty great today! Went and spent some money on some new clothes for myself. I can say now I am in a size 22/24 in shirt and pants. Also I am down four sizes in my bust. I can see the weight loss more and more when I wear the actual size I am in now. Time to gut the closet out and get rid of many clothes. Can’t wait to go shopping this summer and see what size I will be in then! And I have only 5 more pounds till I meet the goal that the doctor set me at!!! Hell Yes!

The Struggle…

“This whole 24 pounds in six weeks is horseshit!” I find myself saying this way too many times, mostly when standing on my scale in the morning. 

It is taking me forever to reach this goal for the doctor wants me at. I just have ten more pounds to shed before the 25th of this month. If you ask that I am stressed lately? My answer will be YES!! The stress has to do with many factors but the biggest is having this period. I have had the red river of death last since I had surgery 3 months ago with just one week as a break from it. I can say honestly I am miserable. Lately I have been moody, emotional, and horny wrapped up in one ball. I cried to a Ke$ha( I think thats how you spell her name now days) song the other day for no reason what-so ever (WTF Kaylee, seriously?) . Well I went to my OB tried not to cry to her too much because of my frustration but it looks like after multiple tests that switching birth controls will be the best option right now. I gained knowledge from visiting the OB one is that I have a beautiful uterus and two that since I am loosing weight its both the birth control and my body that is causing this uncontrollable bleeding I am having.

Okay other than my womanly problems I am having right now, the other struggle I have been having is getting all my calories in. I am suppose to get in between 800-1,000 calories a day and I have been stuck at 500-650 calories a day. I am getting the 70 grams of protein a day in and roughly 64oz of water in as well, it has caused many headaches trying to figure out what I need to eat. This stall I believe is caused by the calorie intake and the 3 month period of death. Something everybody who knows me should be proud of is the fact I actually set up a work out schedule and sticking to it. I walk a mile for three days. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I take 25 minutes and walk on the treadmill at the speed 3.0. I am following what the fitness lady said at Sparrow what to do. So after three weeks I will increase the time and the incline, in another three times I will increase the time and the speed. Little steps at a time, but I can honestly tell you that it took FOREVER to get on the treadmill. I stared at it forever like it was a sick twisted thing, but after I put on some jams I am getting used to it.

With the food, lately I have been craving things I normally do not eat such as; grapes, tomatoes, grits, greek yogurt, and bananas. All of those foods I never would eat and now I LOVE! Also I am in love with the fact my hair is growing longer than it ever has been! Goal for summer is to have long enough hair to put up in a bun or a pony tail.

My body is changing and it has taken me up till now to really look at the changes. My boobs are a little smaller but rounder, my belly is getting smaller, and my legs are too. My back is slimming down , and I can stand sideways and see the major change. I feel better about myself even though I did then but I want to get up and put makeup on each day. I want to look prettier each day, and I love that. I still don’t care what others have to say about me but at least I can say my inner self-esteem is getting better.


My grandpa!

The one man I wish who was here physically to this day to watch me is my grandpa, just to say “hey, old man I am doing it!” He told me multiple times “I love you too much, to watch you end up like me” and I miss his phone calls and also his hugs the most. I long for my grandpas hugs many times because they where the type of hugs that could at least solve any issue for the time being. But I know he is looking down from Heaven and helping me.

Well I am hoping to shed these last ten pounds so I can meet the goal that the doctor has set out for me on the 25th. I am keeping my head held high!



eighty pounds 2

This is me 80 pounds lost total

eighty pounds

This is me right now 80 pounds lost total