24 Pounds in Six Weeks…

So my follow up with my surgeon was last Thursday 1/9/2014

My surgeon was thrilled that I met my goal that they had put forth the last time I met them, which was the 16 pounds. I still have some stuff to work on like getting to 800-1,000 calories when I eat, as of right now I only get 500-600 calories which is a huge improvement from just out of surgery, but I need to eat to loose weight ( I know that sounds wrong, but its true trust me) So the new goal is 24 pounds in six weeks.

24 pounds in six weeks is a lot, but I know I can do it! It breaks down to an average 4 pounds per week too loose. I know that getting off my butt and actually exercising will help a lot. So I am making a new plan since the mall walking sucks, too much planning. So my new plan that will be lived out is as following. I love to dance, so I might go out at least once a week most likely on the weekend and go dancing. I went this Saturday and had a blast! And since I have lost weight I have more energy and courage to actually go out on the dance floor. Also I am going to start swimming from Wednesday through Friday when I get home from work. Classes start up on Monday and I have both a Monday and Tuesday class to which I wont be able to swim because the pool will be close when I get out. So for dancing the plan is a good hour or two then swimming 60 minutes. This 24 pounds will shed!

This pass weekend was a blast! Saturday I rode up with my parents to take back my sister Sarah to CMU. While up there I got to see Jeremy which is always makes my day brighter and brings a smile to my face. The food sucked where we ate but I haven’t laughed so hard in a while it was such a great time. Then after seeing Jeremy off and dropping short stack back to her dorm went and donated money to the casino. I lost the whole $40 that I had, was hoping to at least win something but that was a fail. After getting out of the casino and smelling like a ash tray we ventured back home and then I got around to go out and celebrate my friend Jessica’s 24th birthday. Her party was held at Harem night club here in Lansing. Now I haven’t seen these set of ladies since the last birthday party, so when walking in they all flipped seeing how much weight I have lost. It almost got me to start crying, but I didn’t and had a blast dancing till my feel decided to tell me its enough. It was such a great night!

Lately I have been getting messages and texts from friends who are interested in the surgery I had and how much it costs. I understand that this is a general curiosity but it has been getting to me. This surgery is not a problem solver, it is a lifetime tool. Yes, you will loose weight faster than normal but your lifestyle has to change to make it work. I fight the battle each day with wanting to drink a glass of pop, log all my food, exercise, eating sweets, and being honest with myself. You have to seriously look at yourself and determine if this surgery is best for you, and it took me a good year to come to grips that I need this. My journey will not be the same as the next person. You can’t do the surgery to make yourself look “good” do it for your health and overall well being. The one thing that bothers me the most is all the questions on how much it costs. I can’t answer that, because I don’t hold all the answers. My surgery was completely different from the next person, and I had insurance. If you are interested in this surgery please contact your doctor or call Sparrow Weight Management for more information. I feel very honored that I have inspired so many of my family and friends. It warms my heart and makes me smile.

Alright to wrap this up! 24 pounds in six weeks will put me at 306 and 94 pounds lost total. I am excited for this!



2014 Baby!!

Welcome new year of AWESOME!

I have this feeling that this year will be my year to do awesome things! I have so much planned and so much I want to accomplish this year, that I know it will be done! Before the new year I had an appointment with the surgeon and we both agreed that before the 8th of January that the goal is to loose 16 pounds that would put me at 330. Well today I stepped on the scale and I have (drum roll please) lost the 16 pounds and I am 330! Oh yea!! I proudly did the happy dance half asleep this morning! Now my appointment is tomorrow (Jan. 9th) and cannot wait to see what they say! (High fives to everybody who reads this)

Another thing that is awesome is that I am down to the pant size and shirt size 22-24 *gasp* I haven’t seen that size since I was in high school. Whats really gonna shock me is when I get down to the size 18-20 because I haven’t seen that size since I was in middle school. I am beyond proud of myself, and let me tell you now that I am on “real food” its kinda hard finding food for me to eat. I tried steak for the first time last night and it went down fine, granted it was fajita steak, but it tasted amazing. My issue is I love to eat out, and I have been really good and haven’t ate out a lot. I save the eating out as a fun thing with friends and family and I do pretty good browsing the menu finding things I can eat. There should be a bariatric menu in all restaurants. Okay back to clothes I found an awesome consignment shop called ‘Kellie’s Consignments’ and I love how they have all different sizes even really nice plus size clothing gals (not the moo-moo that most second hand stores have) I sense a shopping day there is going to be happening very soon! 

Okay onto some goals I have for this new year, and they are really good! I turn 24 on the 10th of February, and what I would love most to do is visit an art museum some where other than East Lansing. I also would love to travel and stay down to Detroit that  following weekend because I haven’t actually seen any of the cool stuff there before other than the ghetto. I want to be a tourist in my own state, stopping at the little cities on the way down and looking at different stores, try new restaurants, and go to museums (which if you don’t know me I love!) So if the funds are right I am going! I want to wear a size 18-20 or 14-16 dress size to my cousins wedding in June. By then my hair should be long enough to look real pretty, and I want to be able to walk in heels as well. I am going to plan another camping adventure with my friends this summer (buying a tent so I don’t have to borrow one) I also want to visit Lake Michigan, stick my toes in the water, walk the beach, and go swimming. With visiting Lake Michigan I want to see the sand dunes! Flaunt the new body I have with a sexy swimsuit, but not a bikini! My huge goal for this year is to rally the troops up to go to Cedar Point. I haven’t been able to ride the rides like everybody else because I couldn’t fit in them. I am thinking that would be our camping adventure! Also while I am down there, I want to travel and see the Toledo Zoo that would be awesome! As you can see I have quit the list of things I want to do this summer, and unlike a new years resolution I will get see to that I get all of this done!

Well that’s all for my post for now! 

