Hello December!

It is two weeks to Christmas! I most likely wont post another update until New Years, but I cannot tell you how this year has blown by! I barely have all my Christmas Shopping done!!! Well this month has been a tad stressful but also brought a long some blessings that shown up. First thing is that I was graduated up to soft puree foods and toast. I most likely have already talked about this but I am super excited! I cannot express how happy I am to be eating real food even if it is tossed into a blender. I have been experimenting with recipes to make the puree taste a lot better, even posted last week my favorite lunch item. The one thing that is weird is that I cannot eat scrambled eggs but can get down a hard boiled egg. I don’t understand why I can, but the scrambled egg upsets my stomach too much. It is getting easier to for me to eat and drink, still don’t have the hungry feeling like I used too. That wont come back they say which I am happy! But it is getting much easier for me to drink my water so I am getting the mandated 64oz’s a day. I feel like I pee constantly all day, which is good you know my kidneys are a working.

This month has faced some extreme sadness in my family. Both my great uncles who are my Grandma Austin’s brothers passed away on December 6th. My grandma is from a huge family, she is one out of twelve. There are nine boys and three girls in the family. The two uncles who passed was the eldest my great Uncle Versil who was 90 and my great Uncle Louie who was 83 and a year younger from my grandma. Today coming into work I was listening to a song called “Compass” from Lady Antebellum. Here is the set of lyrics that got me crying;

“So let your heart sweetheart be your compass when you are lost

And you should follow it where ever you may go

When it’s all said and done you can walk instead of run

‘Cause no matter what you’ll never be alone”

Now I am not a super religious person, I do attend church once and awhile and believe in God. My great uncles both passed away on the same morning and only three hours apart. These lyrics started to make me cry because I know my uncles followed their compass together and walked the path up to gates of Heaven where they were welcomed with loving arms. I can see it now my grandpa (who passed seven years ago) met them with both a stiff drink and a dirty joke. It is a hard time for the family but I can say I am blessed to be part of such a huge loving and caring family. One thing I was extremely happy was I got to see my great Uncle Louie in the hospital before Thanksgiving and talk with him. I was happy that my grandma, mom, and little sister Lisa got to see him as well. This was the last time I talked with him or seen him before he passed. When we are getting around to leave, we were saying our goodbyes with tears in all of our eyes. It was my turn and he told me when I was leaning down to kiss him that he was beyond proud to see me grow up and become the wonderful young woman I am and that he got to be my uncle.

Life is hard, but having a great family makes certain parts easier. Like I said I am truly blessed!

 Baese Bunch

This is my grandmas family!

I have to run and get tissues to dry my eyes. I hope everybody’s Christmas is wonderful!

Happy Holidays!

Love Kaylee

Lunch Today

Lunch Today

So today marks a huge progress! I can now eat soft puree foods. So I have been craving mexican food since I started with the all full liquids. So I made a mexican puree with low fat beans and chicken from a can with a sprinkle of low fat mexican cheese. Then put a dash of taco seasoning. Then melba toast to put it on, and some low fat sour cream. All together 20 grams of protein! YUM!

The Super Update!

So it has been awhile since I have wrote, and a lot has happened from the last time! 

I had my surgery, and everything went well. I was under for three hours, and they had some minor problems like taking my lap band off, and the doctor had to make the end of my stomach more narrower than what she normally does. I was in the hospital two days, and the first day was the hardest. When coming out of surgery and back to my room I was greeted by my family and boyfriend. If they couldn’t tell I was really happy to see Jeremy and also my family but still was coming off of the anesthesia was talking my head off and was in a lot of pain. I can’t remember much like what I was saying but I remember the people who were with me. Also it is never fun to start your period right after surgery!! That Thursday was rough because I had my swallow study and puked the liquid they had me drink for most of the day, but I slept so good that night and felt tons better on Friday when they released me. I went back to my parents and stayed the weekend and went home on Monday night.

You would think that right after surgery you would take it easy and relax focus on getting healed. Well for me Saturday evening wasn’t the case, I booked a wedding and went and shot the wedding. I did have help from my friend Deanna and my mom, but my mistake was not having my pain meds with me. So by the time I had to do the group wedding photos I was in so much pain I couldn’t talk. But the photos turned out great! I learned my lesson that night, not to over do it.

Thanksgiving was fun, it was odd not eating food for once but I managed pretty well. The typical scatter of adds for black Friday, and I had to make my list of things I wanted. This year I strictly told my mom and aunt not to buy me clothes other than the typical Christmas Eve tradition of mom getting us girls a nightie. I cant predict what size I will be in by Christmas right now, but at least I will have fun when I can go shopping for clothes. My family went a little insane this year and decided to shop on Thursday night. So, I took the journey of dropping my little sister back up at CMU and venturing back down to my place were my mom was napping. I got to rest for an hour before my aunt and grandma picked us up. I had a blast this year! I normally have a blast whenever I go out shopping with them but this year it was more fun, and enjoyable. By 2:30 AM came on Friday we all were in Sears and I was tired. I couldn’t tough it out for the rest of the day. So they dropped me back off, and I was happy because my grandma and aunt finally got to see my apartment. They liked it a lot, like I do!

Now I am back to work and school, and doing pretty well. The only thing is its hard to force myself to drink or eat, I am not hungry at all which is a new thing for me. I have lost a total of 52 pounds now, and I can really see the changes. Getting back in the swing of things are going to take sometime but at least I am up and doing things now, like decorating my apartment and work for Christmas. Which is my all time favorite holiday!

Thats all I have now, I will write more soon.

Take Care

Love, Kaylee!